5 Easy Ways To Reduce Waste

5 ways to reduce waste recycling business

In aid of the new year, we’re handing you 5 exclusive tips, tricks and proven ways you can reduce your waste in 2023.

1. Buy From Local Businesses.

We’re starting off our list with something close to home… buying from local businesses like farmers shops and markets! There are so many benefits to buying local, including things like; creating jobs for the community, contributing to public infrastructure, and investing in your own community. But let’s talk about the link between buying locally, and waste reduction. Not only does this support the business and mean you’re getting fresh ingredients, it helps the environment and reduces waste too. Food produced and sold locally doesn’t require as much transport and transit costs & fuel. Commonly, farmers and small business owners are great at providing packaging that will have minimal damage or harm the planet, things like reusable tubs, baskets or compostable bags, in fact, some go packaging free! Bringing your own containers, bags and packaging can make reducing waste a lot simpler, without you even realising it. Start this step by visiting a local farm shop that you’ve never been to before, it might surprise you! Solutions 4 Plastic are based in Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, U.K, if you’re local, why not try giving us a call and picking up your order to save delivery fees!

2. Go reusable

In the U.K., it is estimated that five MILLION tonnes of plastic is used every year, nearly half of this is made up of things like packaging, cups, food containers and boxes. One of the most effective ways to reduce waste as an individual is to stop following the trend of takeaway cups and quick food packaging, and going reusable instead. For example, instead of drinking bottled water, use a refillable bottle instead, or instead of carrier bags for shopping, use reusable bags instead. Not only are these things better for the environment, they can also be a cool, fashionable and trendy alternative. By taking your own bottles and containers with you, you’ll also reduce your chances of purchasing more expensive ones on-the-go. This will eliminate the one-time use packaging they come in. Here at Solutions 4 Plastic, we can actually create custom reusable, biodegradable and compostable cups, perfect for businesses! Get in contact today to start your eco-friendly project! 

3. Recycle

One of the easiest and most effective ways to reduce waste, especially from a business perspective, would be recycling. Here are just some of the benefits recycling has:

1. Saves energy

2. Diverts more waste from landfill

3. Reduced the compact of Global warming

Using a recycling program for your business can create cost avoidance, and can also free up funding for other sustainable initiatives. Not only can recycling within your business save you money, but it can potentially GAIN you money too. Statistics show that 74% of consumers are willing to pay more for sustainable packaging, according to Trivium Packaging, so it is definitely worth taking up the recycling lifestyle. You can also work with suppliers of any product you use to remove unnecessary packaging, and even alter your own packaging, to make it more sustainable/recyclable. 

4. Use less paper

Another really effective way to reduce waste, particularly as a business, is to reduce the amount of paper used, this includes: receipts, mail, and magazines. While reducing paper use does not ‘save trees’ directly, it can reduce the impacts of climate change by lowering the greenhouse gas emissions generated by processing pulp into paper. In today’s technology based economy, most companies offer bills and receipts via email, this prevents the use of paper, and is a much more sustainable option. Considering digital subscriptions to newsletters, leaflets or newsletters instead of printed ones, is a much easier way to maintain and create them, and it also saves money, resources and waste. Did you know, paper actually uses water to be produced? An A4 piece of paper can swallow up to 20 litres of water in production, and we could be preserving this water to be used elsewhere. Businesses… make your life and your consumers' lives easier, whilst also saving the environment at the same time, go paper free today!

5. Buy second hand & donate

Did you know the fashion industry is becoming one of the most destructive industries on our planet, with the world consuming over 30 billion pieces of clothing each year? Buying brand new things all the time creates demand for those certain products, as well as creating demand for its journey of production and the waste that comes along with it. Instead of going overboard and purchasing unnecessary items, why not try delving into the world of second hand. Not only are second hand products often cheaper, but they can actually be just as fashionable, and good quality. This also applies to electronics and furniture too, saving huge amounts, often more than a fraction of the price of the original product. With websites such as ‘Depop’ & ‘Vinted’, and even pop up shops across the U.K, second hand and thrifted clothing and items are becoming a huge trend, for the better! 

There are so many more ways to reduce waste, do some research and have a look into a more sustainable lifestyle today to help the environment, your business, and yourself!

-Solutions 4 Plastic Team.


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