How To Stay Healthy And Safe This Winter

We know it can be difficult to keep on top of looking after yourself in the winter season; illness, the cold, and festivities can interrupt your everyday life. That’s why we’ve come up with these top 10 simple and effective ways to stay healthy and safe in the winter.


Start with a plan- Feeling stressed out? Create a realistic plan – stick to it and don’t overwork yourself; that’s when illness can strike! Plans can be for anything including: work, diet, rest, exercise and much more. Winter is an extremely busy season, that’s why having a plan is essential to your days, weeks and months. Emergency plans are also a good idea to put in place if you have someone vulnerable in your life, for example; an elederly person or someone with allergies. 

Keep warm indoors and outdoors- This is an obvious one, but regardless, we’re going to give you a list of a few ways to do so:

  • Layer up on clothing, make use of coats, thick socks, boots, earmuffs, hats, scarfs, mittens/gloves, snoods (to keep the cold out of your mouth and ears). 

  • Wear waterproof clothing (winter is notorious for rain and snowy weather)!

  • Keep the cold out of your house by closing windows and doors. You can also buy keyhole covers to block draughts, and thermal linings for curtains to keep the heat in.

  • Keep an eye on your heating, and maintain the temperature. Keep your main living room at 18–21°C (64–70°F) and the rest of your house at around 16°C (61°F). 

  • Use electric blankets or hot water bottles at night.

Eat healthy- It is proven that the winter months trigger biological changes that stimulate hunger and increased cravings for more energy-dense food. Sticking to a healthy diet won’t prevent you from picking up viruses or illnesses, but it can help maintain your immune system to better protect you. If you do happen to fall ill this Winter, a nutritious diet can 100% help speed up your recovery. 

Stay active- We know how demotivating the winter weather is when considering exercise, however, it can actually be a really fun way to stay warm, whilst also keeping your body and mind healthy. Did you know, regular physical activity helps improve your quality of life and actually helps reduce your risk of chronic conditions! Just make sure you wear appropriate, warm clothing especially if exercising outdoors. TOP TIP: Bring flasks for hot drinks on your runs/walks/jogs!

Beware of driving dangers-When considering winter traffic, car driving accounts for about 70% of accidental fatalities. Drive slower and with more caution in rain, snow and ice. Check that your tires are properly inflated and have enough tread, test your vehicle’s battery regularly, and have at least half a tank of fuel at all times.

Drink plenty- It is known that staying hydrated in HOT weather is important, but staying hydrated in cold weather is just as crucial. Staying hydrated through the winter can boost your immune system, giving your body the support it needs to fight off nasty winter infections. Your body uses water to help maintain a temperature balance and when you aren’t adequately hydrated, your body can become cold.

Get your sleep- More sleep is natural in the wintertime, according to the National Sleep Foundation (around 1-2 more hours than usual)! We get more tired in the colder months because of less sunlight, lower temperatures and change in eating habits. There are benefits of getting more sleep though, these include: regulates appetite & weight, fighting illnesses easier, and helping counter the winter blues. More sleep is a good thing only if it’s quality, restful sleep, so ensure you are maintaining a consistent sleep time, avoiding distractions and keeping the temperature at a comfortable level.

Take appropriate vitamins- Vitamins are vital. Wearing extra layers in the winter is essential, however, what you put INTO your body during the winter can be just as important as what you put ON it. Here are all of the vitamins we recommend: 

-Vitamin D (Healthy bones, fights certain diseases).

-Vitamin C (Can reduce colds severity, strengthens immune system). 

-Vitamin E (Helps your skin hold water, decreases inflammation and wrinkles too!).

-Vitamin B (Provides energy, can improve eyesight). 

-Iron (Regulates body temperature, produces haemoglobin).

-Zinc (Key player in growth of cells and healing damaged tissue) 

(Remember to check with your doctor beforehand and always read the label!)

Have a good mindset- Whilst actively doing all of these things mentioned, something more personal can help you stay healthy this winter, and that is your own mind. Staying positive throughout the tougher months can be difficult, (trust us, we know!), but it isn’t impossible. Have hope, optimism, courage and kindness, whilst following a healthy lifestyle, and taking control of your life. Talk with friends, keep going, we can get through it together! 

Use laundry bags- And finally, one of the best ways to keep yourself safe and prevent viruses this winter… using water soluble laundry bags. Water soluble laundry bags provide a convenient and hygienic storage facility for soiled items prior to laundry. Here are some of our favourite benefits: 

-Effective method of isolating and transporting laundry

-Reduced risk of cross contamination

-Reduction in hazards associated with storage and cleaning of contaminated washable items.

-Prevention of leakage from soiled laundry

-Overall improved hygiene

Oh, and did we mention, they’re eco friendly too? Water Soluble Laundry Bags are made from transparent PVA (polyvinyl alcohol) film. PVA is a non-toxic environmentally friendly biodegradable material that dissolves in water, so they’re a win-win! You can purchase our soluble laundry bags by clicking here.

Stay safe this winter! - Solutions 4 Plastic Team.


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